Configuring a DHCP Pool
The DHCP server is a built-in server, used for networks in which clients are assigned IP address by the Virtual Controller. You can customize the DHCP pool subnet and address range to provide simultaneous access to a greater number of clients.
Here is a guide on how to configure AMG510 & AMG570 switches with a DHCP pool:
Step 1: On the left-hand side of your Web GUI select Configuration > DHCPv4 > Server > Mode
Step 2: Specify where you would like to configure your DHCP Server configurations and then select Configuration > Server > Pool
Step 3: Select ‘Add New Pool’, specify the name of your DHCP pool and select ‘Save’ below
Step 4: Select the name of your specified DHCP pool
Step 5: Specify the type of pool you require on the drop down and input the IP address, subnet mask and the lease time. Save your configuration at the bottom of the page by selecting the ‘Save’ button
Step 6: On the left-hand side of the web GUI, Navigate to Configuration > DHCPv4 > Excluded IP
Step 7: Select ‘Add IP Range’ and specify the IP address range you would like to exclude and select ‘Save’
Step 8: To verify your configurations, navigate on the left-hand side of your Web GUI to Monitor > DHCPv4 > Server > Statistics. You can see the number of pools you have generated and the entries excluded IP address ranges
Step 9: To save your configuration to your startup configuration, on the left-hand side of the Web GUI, select Maintenance > Configuration > Save startup-config and select ‘Save Configuration’
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Step 1: Log in to the switch via SSH or Console
Step 2: Enter configuration mode by using the “configure terminal” command
configure terminal
Step 3: Once you are in configuration mode, enter the command “ip dhcp pool [PoolName]” and press enter to enter the DHCP pool configuration mode
ip dhcp pool [PoolName]
Step 4: Specify if the DHCP pool is for a “network” or a “host”, assign the IP address and subnet mask of this using the command “network [IP-Address] [Subnet-Mask]”.
network [IP-Address] [Subnet-Mask]
Step 5: To enter the lease of IP addresses within this network, enter the command “lease [Number-of-days] [hours] [minutes] and press enter and exit the DHCP Pool configuration by entering the command “exit” to revert to the configuration mode.
lease [Number-of-days] [hours] [minutes]
Step 6: To exclude dhcp to and from an IPv4 address range, enter the command “ip dhcp excluded-address [IPv4-Address-low] [IPv4-Address-high]”
ip dhcp excluded-address [IPv4-Address-low] [IPv4-Address-high]
Step 7: Exit configuration mode by typing the command “exit” and save your configuration by entering the command “copy running-config startup-config"
copy running-config startup-config
Step 8: To verify your configuration, enter the command “show running-config"
show running-config
Here is an example of a DHCP Pool being configured on a command line interface: